
Camfi is a method for the long-term non-invasive monitoring of the activity and abundance of low-flying insects using inexpensive wildlife cameras. It provides utilities for measuring the wingbeat frequency of insects in still images, based on the motion blurs drawn on the image sensor by the insect moving through the air. For large-scale monitoring projects, camfi enables automatic annotation of flying insects using the Mask R-CNN framework.

Camfi is implemented as a Python library, and it also comes with a simple, yet comprehensive Command-line interface.

Citing Camfi

The accompanying paper for camfi is currently under preparation. In the mean time, if you would like to cite camfi in your research, please use the DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4971144 (which points to the latest version of camfi) or the DOI for the specific version you would like to cite.

Indices and tables